title image of Opera Omnia


image of cloud

Weapon Gear List

Force Stealer    (フォースイーター)

Buster Sword NT Ver.    (バスターソードver.NT)

Rune Blade    (ルーンブレイド)

Crimson Edge    (クリムゾンエッジ)

Organyx    (オーガニクス)

Buster Sword    (バスターソード)


Crystal Strength lv 5: Cross-Slash Attack Up

Crystal Strength lv 10: Mighty Cross-Slash

Crystal Strength lv 15: Rapid Speed

Crystal Strength lv 25: Jarring Blow

Crystal Strength Lv 30: Mighty Finishing Touch

Crystal Strength Lv 35: Smash Attack

Crystal Strength Lv 40: Finishing Touch Boost

Crystal Strength Lv 45: Charged Cross-Slash

Crystal Strength Lv 50: Mako Might

Crystal Strength Lv 54: Buff Attack Speed

Crystal Strength Lv 55: Cross-Slash Extension

Crystal Strength Lv 58: Smash Attack Boost Up

Crystal Strength Lv 60: Finishing Touch Extension

My Thought On This Character

His attack style is Melee and Range attack(ATK) and his target style is single, only his Ex ATK is an AoE. He needs his weapon to improve his overall usage.

He is able to launch target. Also he can debuff target(Paralyze / DEF Down).

He can only buff himself.

How to use him / her

His role is an ATKer.

Which Artifacts is suitable

ATK and Max BRV(mBRV).

Who can he / she work with?(able to synergy)

BRV battery char.

Char that can raises his mBRV.

Which summon has / have an advantage over other summons

When not summon(Blessing)


when summon


Summon Boards



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