title image of Opera Omnia
title image dimension's end entropy

Dimension’s End: Entropy

Tier 11

Lvl: 180

Wave: 4

General description:


Who can I use:

Melee char:

Zidane, Yda, Bartz, Steiner, Squall, Zell, Prishe, Lightning, Auron, Quistis, Raijin, Jecht, Gilgamesh, Seven, Cinque, Noel, Garland, Machina, Lyse, Basch, Eight, Ciaran, Leo

Range char:

Laguna, Balthier, Vincent, Irvine, Kain, Maria, Seifer, Lenna, Cid, Barret, Fran, Aranea

Mix char:

Warrior of Light, Sazh, Tifa, Cloud, Cecil (Dark Knight), Yuffie, King, Penelo, Yang, Firion, Shadow, Wakka, Galuf, Tidus, Faris, Ramza, Snow, Lion, Edgar, Fujin, Lilisette, Noctis, Cait Sith, Fang, Agrias, Locke, Cecil (Paladin), Freya, Paine, Prompto, Kimahri, Ignis, Kam'lanaut

Who has an advantage:

Who has a disadvantage:

How I complete:

For this stage, I try many times. Using different team composition. Unable to clear, keep getting kill either in the first wave or second wave. I only manage to get to the last wave twice and manage to get a clear cause I accidently spend 100 gems to continues. The characters I use was Jack, King and Lenna. Finally, I told myself, I need a tank. So I went back to tier 1 and do a rerun replacing WoL with king. Clearing and complete after more tries, use the following char:

Jack is for the damage. WoL is for healing, BRV battery and tanking enemies HP ATK. Lenna is to act as a support. She can reduce occurrence of debuffs, restores HP and BRV batteries. lenna and Wol are able to do damage too. At this point, while i am trying to complete this stage. Characters enhancement boards were launch. WoL has his board fully enhancee

A total of 98 turns, 0 HP damage and a score of 690512 is achieve

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