title image of Opera Omnia
title image dimension's end entropy

Dimension’s End: Entropy

Tier 8

Lvl: 180

Wave: 4

General description:


Who can I use:

Melee char:

Zidane, Yda, Bartz, Steiner, Squall, Zell, Prishe, Lightning, Auron, Quistis, Raijin, Jecht, Gilgamesh, Seven, Cinque, Noel, Garland, Machina, Lyse, Basch, Eight, Ciaran, Leo

Magic char:

Vaan, Terra, Vanille, Shantotto, Layle, Ace, Seymour, Sabin, Papalymo, Ashe, Serah, Kuja, Rydia, Kefka, Alisaie, Relm, Lulu, Ultimecia, The Emperor, Gau, EXdeath

Mix char:

Vivi, Rem, Tifa, Hope, Y'shtola, Yuna, Edge, Penelo, Yang, Onion Knight, Galuf, Eiko, Ramza, Krile, Cyan, Thancred, Snow, Cater, Garnet, Celes, Palom, Sephiroth, Zack, Lilisette, Selphie, Cait Sith, Beatrix, Leonhart, Deuce, Agrias, Golbez, Lann & Reynn, Vayne, Porom, Alphinaud, Aphmau, Sherlotta, Ignis, Kam'lanaut

Who has an advantage:

Who has a disadvantage:

How I complete:

Cannot remember how tries. Manage to clear and complete use the following char:

Onion Knight is the imperiler/enchanter character is for wave 2, if not, needs to take all 3 characters with element damage in their skill. Penolo for her BRV and HP regen. Onion Knight and Krile for their element ATK. Krile also acts as a support

A total of 104 turns, 0 HP damage and a score of 469951 is achieve

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