title image of Opera Omnia
title image dimension's end pathos

Dimension’s End: Pathos

Tier 1

Lvl: 100

Wave: 3

General description:


Who can I use:

Melee char:

Zidane, Yda, Bartz, Steiner, Squall, Zell, Prishe, Lightning, Auron, Quistis, Raijin, Jecht, Gilgamesh, Seven, Cinque, Noel, Garland, Machina, Lyse, Basch, Eight, Ciaran, Leo

Range char:

Laguna, Balthier, Vincent, Irvine, Kain, Maria, Seifer, Lenna, Cid, Barret, Fran, Aranea

Mix char:

Warrior Of Light, Sazh, Tifa, Cloud, Cecil (Dark Knight), Yuffie, King, Penelo, Yang, Firion, Shadow, Wakka, Galuf, Tidus, Faris, Ramza, Snow, Lion, Edgar, Fujin, Lilisette, Noctis, Cait Sith, Fang, Agrias, Locke, Cecil (Paladin), Freya, Paine, Prompto, Kimahri, Ignis, Kam'lanaut

Who has an advantage:

Who has a disadvantage:

How I complete:

For this stage, I use the following char:

I redo again as I need to replace Yuffie for tier 3

A total of 25 turns, 0 HP damage and a score of 402133 is achieve.

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